Inspired Look: Mix Up Things with Old and New

Bohemian, livable, comfortable — English country meets California beach life. I just like rooms that make you feel good when you walk into them. So often there will be beautiful homes but when you walk into them, they’re stagnant, with no energy. So…

Bohemian, livable, comfortable — English country meets California beach life. I just like rooms that make you feel good when you walk into them. So often there will be beautiful homes but when you walk into them, they’re stagnant, with no energy. So it’s about creating the energy, lifestyle and knowing how to live.

Layer patterns and colors! Don't be afraid to mix styles! Things seemingly incompatible, say, a commode from the 17th Century with a Mid-Century Modern lamp will work as long as the pieces are excellent and beautifully designed. Live with the thing that mean something to you!

Design is not about money; it's about passion for your pieces — your child's artwork, a friend's gift, something that makes you proud, whatever. You can't let you decorator loose to find everything for your home. I want my clients to bring pieces into the work which I can be inspired by.


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Inspired Look: Refined Interiors


Inspired Look: Interplay of Art, Textures, and Different Furniture Styles